Sweetheart Abbey, Near Dumfries, Founded by Devorguilla, Mother of John Balliol

Sweetheart Abbey, near Dumfries, founded by Devorguilla, mother of John Balliol
  • January 21, 1290

Sweetheart Abbey, located near Dumfries in Scotland, was founded by Devorguilla of Galloway, who was the mother of John Balliol, a medieval Scottish king.

Devorguilla founded the abbey in memory of her husband, John de Balliol, who passed away in 1268.

The abbey was established as a Cistercian monastery, and its full name is “New Abbey of Sweetheart” in memory of Devorguilla’s great love for her husband.

The abbey was not only a place of religious devotion but also a significant political and cultural center during its existence. Devorguilla herself played a crucial role in the establishment and support of the abbey, and her contributions were a testament to her love for her late husband.

Sweetheart Abbey is a historical and architectural landmark, and its name carries with it the poignant story of Devorguilla’s enduring love for her husband, commemorated in the beautiful and tranquil surroundings of the abbey.

Sweetheart Abbey, near Dumfries, founded by Devorguilla, mother of John Balliol

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