clan pipers frankfurt

pipeband in frankfurt germany

clan pipers frankfurt

pipeband in frankfurt germany

As one of the best-known pipe bands in Germany and continental Europe, we have been playing gigs at home and abroad for nearly 50 years. And for almost as many years we have been travelling to pipe band competitions in Germany, continental Europe and Scotland.

Our dress is the uniform commonly worn by civilian and military pipe bands in Scotland. We have our very own Clan Pipers tartan which is registered with the official Tartan Register in Scotland.

We aim to perform authentic pipe band music at a high level. For our players we provide group and individual tuition not only within the band but also with external teachers and at our band workshops. The latter are often held by experienced teachers from Scotland or other piping hotspots.

We also know how to celebrate and enjoy the fruits of our labours. Above all we love it when audiences enjoy our music and you remember us for a great performance.

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