High Desert Pipes and Drums

A pipe band promoting and performing bagpipe music and pipe band drumming at various events, including parades, memorial services, exhibitions, fairs, cultural events, and competitions.

High Desert Pipes and Drums

A pipe band promoting and performing bagpipe music and pipe band drumming at various events, including parades, memorial services, exhibitions, fairs, cultural events, and competitions.

The purpose of High Desert Pipes and Drums is simple: to promote, practice, and perform bagpipe music and pipe band drumming at the highest possible level. We offer our distinctive music to the Albuquerque community and throughout the region in a variety of performance contexts, including parades, memorial services, exhibitions, fairs, cultural events, and competitions. The organization consists of members ranging from novices to award-winning competitors.

We are always seeking new friends and invite you to come join us!


To foster and promote Scottish culture and music, to perform locally, regionally, and throughout the western United States, and to teach the Great Highland Bagpipe & Drums in the tradition as taught by previous professional instructors from Scotland and other countries. To teach students to play either the bagpipe or drum to a high standard and to perform and compete within the Western United States Pipe Band Association (WUSPBA) jurisdiction.

To represent the Clan Wallace Society, sponsors and supporters, the State of New Mexico, and the United States of America at the World Pipe Band Championships in Glasgow, Scotland.

Website preview for www.hdpd.org